Routine Check-ups

Building a Device Lab
Copyright © 2015 Destiny Montague & Lara Hogan

Routine maintenance will save you a ton of headaches in the long run, and will help your device lab’s users have the best experience possible. Check in on the device lab weekly to make sure there aren’t any major issues with devices, and quarterly to iterate on the efficacy of the lab.

Time FrameCheck on
WeeklyHave any operating systems or applications been upgraded?
WeeklyIs any device missing from the shelving but not checked out in your system?
WeeklyAre there any new scratches, bumps, or broken glass on the devices?
WeeklyIs every device plugged in and charging?
WeeklyDoes every passcode still work?
WeeklyIs every device connected to the right Wi-Fi network?
WeeklyHave any new applications been installed?
WeeklyHas anyone connected their personal accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to the installed apps?
WeeklyDo the mail applications still use the correct device lab email address?
QuarterlyCheck your site’s visit traffic. What devices might you need to budget for next quarter?
QuarterlyCheck your device lab’s usage. Are there any popular devices that are always checked-out? Should you purchase more of them so that coworkers have more access for testing?
QuarterlyPurchase new devices based on last quarter’s visit traffic trends.
QuarterlyAre devices grouped well? Should there be space made for new devices, or should devices be decommissioned?
QuarterlyHow are devices looking? Go through and screen wipe everything, fix iffy labels, realign cabling.
QuarterlyHow much energy is the lab consuming? Have usage behaviors changed? Can you optimize for better energy efficiency?
QuarterlyHow full are the bins for cables and other items for coworkers to “borrow”? Should they be replenished?
QuarterlySurvey your device lab’s users. How are they finding the experience? Is there anything that could be improved upon?